Strzegom October Festival 2017

Strzegom October Festival 12.-15.10.2017, Sunday

Last competition for us in 2017, last competition in Strzegom for 2017, last competition for several riders in 2017. After a horrible long trip home here are now some photos from Sunday.

Please find here some impressions, right out of the camera, not color- or brightness corrected. Feel free to share this article and in Facebook tag people. Please do not copy. We took photos of the most competitors today. If you would like to see more, contact us using the contact sheet below the impressions or just send an email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Contact Sheet for Strzegom October Festival

please ask for a preview of your photos here.
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DATE: 15/10/2017

Tagged under: SHT2017, Eventing, Strzegom, FEI, Championship, Nations, Strzegom2017, October Festival